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Course for Developing Deep Empathy

Cultivating Empathy

Learn about the role empathy plays in relationships, community, and leadership.


Course Overview

Neighborhood friends Corrie and James are on a path to learn about empathy. In order to cultivate empathy, one must understand it and have it modeled. In this course, Corrie and James will learn about the role empathy plays in relationships, community, and leadership. Having empathy is just the start! Corrie and James will demonstrate how to communicate with empathy and practice it in some everyday activities that learners can join in on as well!




Growing Empathy

Come along with Corrie and James and their families as they learn the difference between empathy and sympathy, the role compassion plays in showing empathy, and understanding emotions and perspectives! Empathy and sympathy are tricky terms that are often confused. Learning to act with compassion after realizing and understanding emotions and perspectives is an important first step in growing empathy.



Roles Empathy Plays

Now that you know what empathy is, this module will explore the different roles empathy plays in your life! Relationships with peers, family, and community are all strengthened when empathy is practiced. Not only that, practicing empathy in those relationships builds up your empathy awareness, almost like a muscle! This will make it easier for you to show up with empathy in other places like leadership! Corrie, James, Miles, and Greta all learn how to give and receive empathy and the difference it makes in their relationships. Additionally, James will learn how leading with empathy makes a strong leader others can trust and connect to.



Communication and Empathy

It's one thing to act empathetic, but it's a whole other thing to communicate empathetically. It's easy to jump into action when you hear about a friend going through a hard time, but sometimes that's not what they need! Come along with Corrie and James to learn how to listen and demonstrate empathy through nonverbals and simple statements like, “I hear you.” Learning to communicate with empathy will build trust in your relationships, but it takes practice and patience!



Practicing Empathy

Now that you've seen how far-reaching empathy is, come and explore with James, Corrie, Miles, and Greta what it looks like to practice empathy in your everyday lives. Corrie will show you how random acts of kindness demonstrate empathy - a simple practice to implement in your own life! James will demonstrate how to have empathy in your sportsmanship. Miles discovers what empathy looks like for his community on a larger level. James goes the extra mile for his mom to show empathy and appreciation. As you observe their experiences, think of ways you might start to practice empathy in your own life!

Meet Course Creator, Mandy Mahr

I am a Masters Level educator who served in public schools in the United States for 15 years before becoming an online tutor to schools with at risk students providing social emotional support as well as skill recovery in reading and writing. I am also a consultant for content creation to provide guidance to organizations wanting to engage and employ GenZ. With the technological advances the world has seen in just the last twenty years, it is my goal to train learners to be ready for jobs that don't exist yet. I am passionate about helping learners develop social emotional skills before reaching the workforce.
